Birthday Party in May|Keep Passion and Go Forward

Column:Company Dynamics Time:2023-05-31
In May, spring is not over and summer is approaching. In May, there is "Xiaoman" in the solar terms. Life is full of prosperity, but the harvest is not full. May festivals have "May 4th". Bravery and fearlessness...

happy birthday

May Birthday Party



Spring is not over, summer is coming

The May solar term has "Xiaoman"

A little life is full of good profits, but if it is not full, the harvest can be expected

There is "May 4th" in May festival

Being brave and fearless, chasing the wind and riding the waves is youth

in this youthful month

May birthday party arrived as scheduled

Let's follow the camera

Let’s walk into this cheerful party together

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Vinyl record DIY

bring your imagination 

recall your youth

Draw with colorful paintings

Your unique vinyl record





Every vinyl record has

unique meaning

It’s a gift given to myself~









Share your testimonials

Here, birthday celebs share their birthday messages

I have gratitude, memories of youth, and things I want to say to myself.

“I’m very lucky that my birthday is on the same day as Mother’s Day.

This makes me even more grateful to my parents.”

“I hope you won’t be anxious or fearful this year and live out your personal characteristics.”

"The love I had when I was young is still in my heart now."

"Live in the present, don't dwell on the past, and don't worry about the future."

"Thank you for meeting me, because the probability of meeting you in this world is extremely small."




Cake sharing

Let’s sing birthday song together

Amidst the blessings one after another

Birthday stars make wishes

Blow out the candles and share the cake

The scene was lively and filled with happiness.

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Lucky Draw

Invitation to this birthday party

President Wang Song attended and delivered a speech

Mr. Wang Song expressed his best wishes to the birthday stars

and shared his precious attitude towards life with birthday stars.

"Have reverence for heaven and earth,

Have compassion for all living beings,

Be open-minded about yourself. "

At the same time, we would like to thank Mr. Wang Song for providing support for this lottery!


The lucky one this time



Youth is not limited to a certain age group

It also represents a mentality full of vitality and courage.

As long as you have a good attitude

Every year is a "year to fight"

I wish Tian-Power people to maintain their youthful genes forever

Stay passionate and move forward courageously

Happy birthdays again in May

Happy birthday!

[Tian-Power Corporate Culture]
